Friday, January 17, 2014

Last & First Call

I was sent product to try and review.  I was not paid for my review.  These are my honest opinons of this product.


Yes, yes I am still alive!  

Holy Moly I wanted to post sooo many more times then I have this many have I posted so far this year you ask?  

Let's see....add up those, multiply by that and carry the 9?......Yea, this would be my very first post of the year.  


Oh and by the way, if you didn't know.......MY NINERS ARE PLAYING ON SUNDAY!!!!  

Let's Go Niners!!

We got hit by the nasty nasty flu that has been going around and boy is it horrible.  

Started with me (oh joy), then went to our youngest (who whenever she gets a fever it always seems to start out at 105 degrees.....poor baby) and next to my husband.  My husband and my fevers lasted 3 days and so far our youngest has lasted 6 days and today would be day 7.  

She seemed OK so far today, but we'll see if that fever comes back tonight (fingers crossed it doesn't).

I was sent a sampler variety pack of Oddka Vodka to try out in the mail.  

I had my eye on the apple pie flavored vodka, and was sent a couple recipes to try.  Today I tried out Last & First Call by Oddka.  

I must admit, this cocktail is pretty darn good.  

Now I haven't had anything to drink in over a week thanks to my I'm hoping this cocktail doesn't go straight to my head, haha.  The apple pie flavoring in this cocktail stands out for sure and mixes well with the other ingredients in this recipe.  

I will be finishing this cocktail for sure, Happy Friday to me!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is a photo of Oddka's sampler pack, plus a couple extra they sent.  Thanks Oddka!!  Yes you are reading those flavors correct, Salty Caramel Popcorn, Electricity, Wasabi, Apple Pie & Fresh Cut Grass.

Here is the recipe for Last & First Call:

  • 2 ounces apple pie vodka
  • 1 ounce lemon juice
  • 3/4 ounce simple syrup
  • 1 1/2 ounces pineapple juice

In a shaker, add ice and all of the ingredients above.  Shake and strain into a martini glass and enjoy.  Oddka's recipe also calls for 3 raspberries and 3 blackberries to garnish.  Since I've been in the house for the past week, I wasn't able to get those at the store so I went without.

Here is to my first cocktail in a week.  Here is to Oddka Vodka for sending me this variety pack of vodkas.  Lastly here is to nobody else getting sick in this house (and your house too)!

The Cocktail Lady


  1. I'm glad to see you're feeling well enough to have a cocktail! :) And I hope the kiddo is really well tomorrow. What a shame that you all got sick at the same time! I'm going to see if my favorite liquor store has any little bottles of the apple pie vodka - I'd like to try this one.

    1. Thank You Jan! What a crazy week+ we just had. So far so good with the little one today, after her morning dose of meds she's stayed in the 98's.......which I was not able to do for an entire week! Fingers crossed. xoxo
